Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Early Literacy Strategies- Vocabulary

Early literacy is what a child learns about reading and writing before learning to read and write. There are six pre-reading skills that are essential in order to learn to read.

Parents and caregivers play a major role in helping children develop these skills. The activities used to teach these skills also change with the child's age.

By the time a child is two years old, she can understand 300-500 words. What can you do to help your child develop vocabulary skills?

  • Talk to your child about what is going on around you. As the child gets older, add conversations about feelings and ideas.

  • When your child babbles or talks, listen and add details to what he says.

  • Ask your child lots of questions, even if he can't answer you. The child learns that questions are invitations for response

  • Speak clearly and in the language that is most comfortable for you.

  • Read together every day. Identify pictures, concepts and ideas as you read the book together.

For a list of great books or for more information about the Every Child Ready to Read program, ask at the children's desk.