Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Young Writer's & Illustrator's Workshop

It is time for the 14th annual Reading Rainbow Young Writers & Illustrator's contest, brought to us be the great folks at KPTS. The children's library will host a workshop on Saturday, February 2nd at 10:30 am in the library meeting room. The workshop is designed to teach kids to compose a story. It is open to the public.

The contest is open to children in grades K-3. Each public television station hosts an area contest. First, second and third places are awarded and published. First place stories move to the next level. KPTS would like to see 500 stories from their viewing area entered this year. For an entry form or more information, contact the children's desk.


Hard to believe that January is almost over. One of my resolutions for the new year was to post more frequently. Maybe February.

Part of our January work is to look at our numbers from last year. We are very proud of the fact the we added over 1100 new titles to the shelves. We strive to keep a good selection of books available, both new and classics, fiction and non-fiction, so there is something to interest everyone.

Preschool story time started back up in January. We meet every Thursday morning at 10:00 am for stories, songs and crafts. We would love to have you join us.

Watch the door to the children's department. We will post upcoming library events as well as on Channel 5 and the Wellington Daily News.